
Covid-19B CoronaVirus Update


We have hand sanitiser, we have toilet roll (whatever that whole panic and fight videos were for) and we have all the regular goings on in the studio.

Do What You Can't

Do What You Can’t

Without boring you to absolute tears telling you how great my year has been, I have decided to share one take away, and commit myself to a few things in the process.

This year I was voted to the board of JCI (Junior Chamber International) in Dublin. As the Director of Individual Development, I was charged with organising the years training and development for members, and members of the public who attend the seminars and talks.

In March, we were lucky enough to have RTE presenter and content creator Carl Mullan in with us talking about content creation. From his hilarious Youtube channel to his amazing Instagram Stories he is a dab hand at making us laugh and want to follow along.

One thing Carl was gracious enough to do, was to reference where he got some inspiration, naming Casey Neistat as one of his heroes.

With that Carl kicked off with a video from Casey and gave us all the opportunity to think differently. Something that carried it’s weight through my year.

Here, is that video. Enjoy!